Project Partnership Coaching
What and why?


Project Partnership is short, sharp, focused and powerful coaching that supports your short-term, time sensitive projects or project segments. Whether work or home related, Project Partnership can help you:

  • get unstuck
  • become more focused
  • move thought into action
  • get and keep momentum going

Results .... Guaranteed !

Nancy Morris, BSc (Hons)
Business psychology - Microlearning

#335, 1861 Richmond Road
Ottawa, Ontario  K2H 1B9

Phone (613) 721 7474

Our philosophy

Even the most organized, motivated and focused individual needs a helping hand to meet deadlines and targets and to learn new approaches and techniques.

Our aim
We want to help you create the momentum you need to get things done as well as give you the tools and replicable tactics to use again and again.

Our commitment
Project Partnership helps you finish what needs to be done through definition, planning, action and accountability.

What I thought was so complex to work through is actually so simple
(T. Marshall, entrepreneur)

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